
Eskilstuna For General Trading offers liquid helium and compressed helium gas in a variety of purities and in various modes of supply around the world for medical equipment companies. Helium is used to cool superconductive magnetic coils in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


Specific Applications:

Helium (He)

Is a colourless, odourless, non-toxic, non-corrosive and non-combustible gas. It is mainly sourced from natural gas wells. This valuable gas is in short supply the world over.

With the lowest boiling point of any gas (4.2 Kelvin or –269° Celsius), liquid helium is the coldest matter on Earth. This makes it ideal as a cryogenic agent for a number of cutting-edge medical applications. For instance, it is used to cool superconductive magnetic coils in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Liquid helium

As a liquid, helium is supplied to the customers in special insulated dewars that contains 200-500L per dewar.
